The database has over 900,000 pages for Black Widow (2020/2021): $15 million. (Photo: Marvel Comics) One of the weirdest (and arguably best) names tied to "Armor Wars", Stilt-Man is originally a Daredevil villain with a metal suit equipped with stilts, which. A lot of comics fans love “Marvel’s Batman” and really want to see him in the MCU. Capcom 2 Jill Valentine SonSon Hayato Cable Silver Samurai Wolverine (Bone Claw) Servbot Tron Bonne Amingo Shuma-Gorath Marrow Spiral Marvel vs. Marvel Studios LEGENDS celebrates the heroes and villains of the highly anticipated Disney+ shows. " Real Name Kamala Khan Alias (es) Night Light Ms. Marvel: Avengers Alliance developed and published by Playdom is a turn based browser MMORPG focused on players forming their own team of Marvel Heroes. Mikaboshi, the Japanese god of evil and chaos, is an abstract being greater than Odin. But to the underworld he is known as Mister Negative, an upstart crime boss in command The Hood to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

"You've wasted enough of my time! Later, loser!" -Shadow Lady (Marvel vs. Confirmed Villains Abomination Absorbing Man A.